New To Faith Baptist?
We have classes for all ages:
Sunday School: Nursery ages 0-2, Primary class ages 3-7, Intermediate class ages 8-11, Youth group ages 12-18, Adult class 19+
Main Service 11:00 A.M.: Nursery ages 0-2, Children's church ages 3-11, youth and adults in the auditorium.
Wednesday night: Nursery ages 0-2, Kids classes 3-11, Teens class ages 12-18 (in Gym)
What kind of Service do we have?
We have a traditional style service. Piano and sometimes accompaniment organ and guitar, songs from the All American Hymnal.
Special music sung just before the preaching, the message last for about 30 minutes, where an invitation is given at the end of the service.
We value your presence and time and strive to have closing prayer and dismiss right at 12:00 p.m.