Getting to know each other
Visiting a church for the first time or searching for a church where God wants you to be can be a hard thing to do. Here at Faith Baptist we understand how difficult that can be.
We pray God would guide you to be a part of our family where you will make news friends and fellowship with people of like beliefs as we serve our Lord together.
Here at faith Baptist you will find a pastor who cares, a congregation that will pray for you as you move forward in your faith walk. God bless you in considering our church.
We have a place for you here!
Sunday school: 10:00 am
Sunday Morning Worship: 11:00 am
Sunday Night Worship: 6:00pm
Wednesday Night Service: 7:00pm
(Meets in the chapel Wednesday night)
2001 14th St, Brownwood, TX 76801
What can I expect?
How Long Is our Church Service?
In total, a Faith Baptist Church service is about 60 minutes in length. Services begin with our worship leader leading the church in music - we sing from a hymnal so you can sing along or just enjoy the music. After the music portion of service is complete, our pastors will come and read from the word of God and preach the message God has given him that week.
What’s The Culture Like At Faith Baptist Church?
Sunday’s at Faith Baptist are, casual and relaxed. Come as you are or wear a suit and expect to feel
welcomed as our guest. We believe church is a place where you can have fun, pray about serious matters, fellowship with members and expect a message from God that applies to your life.